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Rollin' with Rangatahi

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Bowls, by its very nature is an inclusive sport. A fundamentally simple game, it enables people of all physical ability, regardless of gender, ethnicity or age to participate equally. Over the last 12 months, Bowls Wellington has experienced a growing demand from students, schools and clubs to support the delivery of the sport to rangatahi.


Bowls Wellington have now been acknowledged for their work as a progressive and inclusive organisation and have received funding for the next 12 months from the Sport New Zealand/ Nuku Ora administered Tu Manawa Fund. The Tu Manawa fund is dedicated to getting inactive and marginalised young people engaged in recreation. Through this funding, we will be able to continue our work in the youth space and deliver the Bowls Wellington Rollin’ with Rangatahi programme to schools in the region.


This programme has three main components – Engagement, Duke of Edinburgh Partnership and Rangatahi Development.


Engagement is focused on visiting schools and/ or bringing schools to clubs so rangatahi can be exposed to the game in a fun, inclusive way and remove any barriers that may exist such as cost, access or perceived physical ability. These sessions, while inclusive of all rangatahi are targeted towards those who do not currently engage with sport, have limited engagement or those with disabilities.


Duke of Edinburgh is a partnership we have developed with the international programme and enables rangatahi to use bowls as the vehicle to achieve their bronze and silver award. This enables students who do not have time or interest in engaging with sport, are able to do so without committing additional time to ‘outside of school’ activities.  During this programme, our deliverer will work with students and schools to run sessions and support the students in fulfilling the obligations of the award through a bowls context.


Rangatahi Development is focused on providing ongoing opportunity for rangatahi to be involved in our sport, either through creating further participation opportunities or supporting schools and clubs to continue to offer opportunities after the completion of the 12-month funding term.


Click here for the Youth information Pack, which has some useful info for schools and students. ​


For more information around how you or your school can get involved, please contact Bowls Wellington's Engagement and Inclusivity officer Brady Amer ( or contact the Bowls Wellington office at or on 04 560 0384.

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